Sabtu, 20 April 2019


Rabu, 17 April 2019

Business summary (MoCo)
The VR Motion Communications Team (MoCo Team) is a creator, manufacturer, developer, engineer, gamer, sales force, and other professional who wants to change the world by communicating online by using the most advanced and advanced technology.

VR Motion Communications (MoCo) itself is a revolutionary communication platform that will work on the next generation of media communication content and services to be possible; The world's first anonymous 3D Avatar chat, Live Chat and 4K / 8K Streaming and other streaming services, and finally Immersive 3DVR Live Video Chat.

As the first stage of the development of our platform in the world, we will soon be bringing mobile, the world's first anonymous 3D 3D Avatar Chat, Market Creator, Marketplace and gaming platform. The MoCo Platform online marketplace will include an Official Store where users can purchase official avatars and content related to avatars, and a Free Marketplace where users can monetize content related to their own original avatar.

In the next stage, the MoCo Platform and technology will enable great recognition within the whole new VTuber world - but in 3D - where users can monetize their creativity and talents further. The development to this stage will also allow broadcasting on a large scale, simultaneous, 4K / 8K, 360 ° Real Time, VR streaming events around the world, such as World Cup matches, Super Bowls, and even concerts sold out by top-level musicians on the other side world.

In the last step for the development of our platform, we will combine A.I. we. Video Compression, A.I. Automatic 2D-3D conversion, and A.I. motion capture technology, to allow users to enter the VR room using only their web cameras or mobile devices. Users can also create their own customized Avatars or Character bots and shop around, create, and experience user-generated virtual RooM, and communicate with their families or get along with their friends.

Users will be able to create and monetize their own original content, which we will be copyrighted using the Blockchain and smart contracts, which are supported by MoCo crypto tokens. Supported by blockchain technology, the MoCo and MoCo Token platforms will enable the development and purchase and sale of original content in a fast, safe and secure ecosystem. Individuals and businesses will be able to meet and communicate with others around the world safely, and they will also be able to create their own monetized economy using their own talents and ideas, and engage in safe trade with each other as well.

The big difference between the MoCo Platform project and most of the other projects presented through ICO and Sales Tokens, is that we already have technology and patents on the technology that will be used to develop our platform, we only need your support to develop that technology and our platform to their full potential.

Evolution of Human Communication Tools
Build a future together
Home of New Possibilities of Communication

The MoCo platform is a multi-layered, multi-dimensional project whose every step of development changes the world a little more. He did it by destroying the old paradigm and creating new possibilities.

  1. The first step is to provide the first 3D Avatar Chat and Market Creator in the world where users can communicate, make, buy and sell safely and safely
  2. In the next step, MoCo will start live streaming chat and other services that will completely disrupt the current video streaming and video bulb models.
  3. The final step is to make immersive 4K / 3D VR communication possible for anyone who has a smartphone or web camera, from anywhere in the world.
  4. With MoCo tokens, users will be able to buy and sell original items and subscribe to streaming content quickly and efficiently and without losing quality. All Avatar and Video content will be managed by the blockchain to protect and manage copyrights.

Road Map

Birth of the idea for the MoCo Platform


Pre-Sale 1

Established “MoMoco” project to develop World's 1st Anonymous 3D SNS Avatar app

Pre-Sale 2

1st successful compression & Live Streaming of 4K/5MBPS/60FPS (only 3-10 second delay)

1st successful compression & Live Streaming of 4K/5MBPS/60FPS (360°)

1st successful 3D scan with single camera using human subject

Pre-Sale 3

Pre-Sale 4

Crowd Sale Start

MoMoCo 3D Avatar App 1st Mock-up

MoMoCo App Open Beta Launch in App Stores

MoMoCo Marketplace Launch

Fight Club Game Launch

MoMoCoin = Moco Token Exchange System Launch

MoMoCo App 100,000 Downloads

MoMoCo App 300,000 Downloads

MoMoCo App 500,000 Downloads/Start Live Streaming Chat

VR Chat System/VR Real Time Event #1

Our Team

To continue information about (MACO) you can just click the link below !!!

Jumat, 19 April 2019


🔥mHealthCoin - Blockchain memenuhi Health🔥

Di mana pun Anda berada dan di mana pun Anda tinggal, kesehatan manusia mungkin merupakan sumber daya paling berharga dalam kehidupan setiap orang, tanpa memandang usia dan jenis kelamin. Semua orang ingin menjadi sehat, bahagia, dan sukses. Tapi tidak selalu dan ternyata sama sekali. Bagaimanapun, faktor kunci kesehatan yang baik adalah kebiasaan yang benar, aktivitas sehari-hari, tidur yang sehat dan diet seimbang.


Tetapi seperti yang diperlihatkan oleh praktik, manusia modern jarang memperhatikan semua indikator ini, kecuali tentu saja ini tidak berkontribusi terhadap penyimpangan yang nyata dalam bentuk penyakit manifestasi dan penyakit fisik lainnya. Tentu saja, setelah kesimpulan seperti itu orang mulai menjalani gaya hidup sehat, bergerak lebih banyak, makan dengan benar, istirahat yang baik dan berkualitas. Tetapi, sekali lagi, berapa lama mereka akan melakukannya? Untuk melihat seberapa baik yang akan mereka lakukan?
Tentu saja, untuk sekarang ini ada sejumlah besar perangkat seluler dan perangkat pintar lainnya yang membantu melacak jumlah kalori yang dikonsumsi, jumlah langkah, jam tidur, dan sebagainya. Tetapi, sekali lagi, muncul pertanyaan, di samping fungsi praktis, karakteristik positif apa lagi yang harus mereka miliki untuk sekali lagi merangsang masyarakat untuk menjaga kesehatannya sendiri.
Dan hari ini kita akan berbicara, sama tentang metode motivasi ini, yang dikembangkan oleh tim spesialis yang berbakat.

Tentang proyek

Proyek, gagasan yang sekarang akan kita pertimbangkan, disebut - MHEALTHCOIN. MHEALTHCOIN - adalah seperangkat teknologi modern dan manifestasi praktisnya dalam bentuk perangkat pintar yang dilengkapi dengan semua fungsi yang diperlukan untuk menjaga kesehatan manusia dan motivasi untuk memantaunya. Untuk memahami menguraikan semua hal di atas sedikit lebih. MHEALTHCOIN adalah perangkat pintar baru yang dirancang untuk mendorong seseorang untuk memantau kesehatannya, melalui sistem penghargaan bawaan , yang dinyatakan dalam bentuk token.
Saya pikir Anda semua tahu bahwa seseorang jauh lebih senang melakukan tindakan apa pun, dan menerima bonus yang bagus - dorongan. Tim MHEALTHCOIN memutuskan untuk menggunakan metode motivasi dan proyek Anda ini, pada saat yang sama merangsang kesehatan seluruh masyarakat karena teknologi baru dan koin mata uang cryptocurrency terkait.

Keuntungan dan fitur

Penting untuk dicatat bahwa perangkat yang ditawarkan oleh MHEALTHCOIN adalah versi yang disempurnakan dari semua perangkat pintar yang dapat dipakai. Karena mereka dapat menganalisis, mengumpulkan, dan menyusun sejumlah besar data dari pemiliknya. Dengan mereka Anda tidak hanya dapat menghitung langkah dan kalori, tetapi juga untuk memantau pembakaran mereka, baik saat terjaga maupun saat tidur. Selain itu, untuk setiap kalori yang terbakar, Anda dapat menerima token internal, yang di masa mendatang Anda akan dapat buang dengan kebijakan Anda sendiri. Saya pikir ini sangat nyaman dan sangat tidak biasa. Selain itu, MHEALTHCOIN akan bekerja sama dengan sejumlah besar pusat olahraga dan Kebugaran, toko nutrisi yang sehat dan tepat, serta sekelompok merek olahraga lain yang siap menawarkan barang dan jasa mereka dengan imbalan token internal.
Yaitu, mari kita simpulkan pemikiran logis tertentu. Anda menggunakan MHEALTHCOIN untuk menjalani gaya hidup sehat, mengamati aktivitas yang diperlukan untuk tubuh Anda, mengkonsumsi dan membakar kalori, sebagai imbalannya Anda menerima token internal yang dapat Anda belanjakan untuk barang dan jasa yang disediakan oleh mitra MHEALTHCOIN . Dalam satu kata keindahan! Selain itu, semua data yang diterima dari pengguna akan disimpan dengan aman di basis data blok yang tidak berubah dari jaringan blockchain, yang akan mengecualikan pencurian atau kehilangan lebih lanjut.

Tanggal dan detail ICO

Adapun token internal (MHEC) , juga dikembangkan, seperti kebanyakan koin lainnya berdasarkan blockchain Ethereum, standar ERC-20. Secara total, para pengembang akan merilis 6 miliar koin untuk pengembangan proyek mereka.
Distribusi token sebagai persentase adalah sebagai berikut:
6. png
Anda dapat membeli token ini dalam mata uang nyaman apa pun (BTC atau ETH). Secara total, selama penjualan, para pendiri bermaksud untuk mengumpulkan jumlah investasi yang diperlukan untuk pengembangan lebih lanjut dan peluncuran proyek. Jumlah ini dinyatakan dalam jumlah as $ 25.000.000. Penting untuk dicatat bahwa penjualan resmi koin dimulai pada 1 Maret 2019 dan akan berlangsung hingga 30 Juni 2019.


Of course, in addition to the practical benefits for the user, the MHEALTHCOIN project is able to provide timely detection of any physical abnormalities in the health of each person. At what to identify it at the earliest stages, preventing the development of this disease in a deeper form of manifestation. Thus, MHEALTHCOIN carries only the best characteristics that allow us not only to monitor our health, but also to acquire useful things for our correct habits and physical activity.
To be honest, I would already look forward to the launch of this platform, since I have long been looking for a similar smart device that will contribute to my correct habits. And the presence of such additions, as in MHEALTHCOIN, will make it even better and more pleasant. But, again, friends do not forget about the risks associated with any ICO projects and before taking part in them, I recommend that you study the project up and down, to personally verify its serious intentions and all other aspects. Resources where you can get only the most useful and official information, you have long been waiting at the bottom. That's it for me today, until next time and good luck!

Official resources of the mHealthCoin project:


Ikhtisar Proyek mHealthCoin

mHealthCoin Project Overview

Manage your health with incentives under blockchain consolidation. Our mission is to provide the platform with more diverse data gathered to understand health conditions yourself to gain incentives by improving health status and awareness of their health. The broad ideology of actively recognizing your own health is our goal in this project. The goal of mHealthCoin is to connect the fast-growing cannabis industry with the world of encryption and to take advantage of the benefits of blockchain technology. It should be paid in cryptocurrency on a global scale suitable for everyday use.

Project overview

The comprehensive mHealthCoin platform is a blockchain based health knowledge storage and analysis platform. As members exercise and follow healthy habits, their knowledge of health may be captured by our mobile application, displayed, encrypted and sent to the blockchain. Each user can have their own chain to take care of health information and accounts, and as the health information grows larger new coins will be generated. The blockchain will support the blockchain Nxt, at the expense of the Proof of Stake (PoS). 
MHEALTHCOIN is a crypto-centre platform designed at a subtle facility, and by collecting medical knowledge from platform users revolutionizes trending trades, and users fully understand their health status to stay alive. package. At MHEALTHCOIN, "I think you are in good health" This is an active move to avoid physical inconsistencies before your partner's physical health and condition get into the body with the help of mhealthcoin. It means that available equipment designed by the team to signal you at any time.
Our application is a flexible platform for colleagues to manage their knowledge and wallets. Our smart wearables support 24 hours compliance and numerous special options for various needs. Regardless of your heart's aspirations, troublesome health token exchanges will be the market for you to use coins. Small and immense knowledge and analysis of AI will not complain to provide users with discounts, services and products that are most relevant to their health and fitness goals. Chatbots, chatbots, are designed to provide members with customized recommendations to protect healthy habits and encourage them to achieve their health and fitness goals. Therefore, a playback loop is created.

Project mission

We believe that, whether recently or not, everyone around the world should keep in mind their own health. However, in fact, the majority do not try to prevent it in the previous stages, but until they become ill, seriously ill, abnormal, or various types of "illness" You should have a health scenario in mind. Our mission is to create a platform with a large amount of knowledge that users have gathered to understand their health status in order to elicit incentives by improving their health status and awareness of their own health It is. A broad ideology of proactive awareness of your health is the goal of this project.
How to keep your work and appearance healthy despite the daily unbeatable age in civilization may be the challenge everyone is looking for to reveal it directly and indirectly. However, by developing habits to maintain health, we enjoy the natural resources of the Earth for a long time and make them tend to be more relevant in our daily lives. . After much analysis on health issues, MHEALTHCOIN has created a sacrificial blockchain technology for agricultural solutions, creating a globally sound system.

Application of wearable devices

Can be used for children: Parents and parents can track children's geographical location with the help of GIS software on the device, if they are currently at school, playground etc You This means that your child is safe and healthy. 
Can be used for seniors and seniors-seniors and seniors who spent most of their time at home can now make a simple phone call and in the case of an emergency requiring urgent attention 
You can have a quick response . You can use digital learning systems that help your users stay healthy and healthy. These devices consist of various types of workouts. This is a structure that allows users to always achieve their goal setting goals while looking fit and stay healthy. 
mhealthcoin's world-class devices have the ability to connect to home appliances at home. This is done by integrating the Internet of Things technology into smart devices.

ICO information

  • Token: MHEC
  • Type: Utility
  • ICO Price: 0.0100 USD
  • Country: Hong Kong
  • Whitelist/KYC: None
  • Restricted area: China, America

Project Team

Project Roadmap

Official resources of the project mHealthCoin:

Kamis, 18 April 2019

SaTT Token – smart is on the blockchain

The capacity of the global advertising market is estimated at 521 billion dollars. A significant part of this amount (about $209 billion) is digital advertising. And the last figure is growing every year: if even 5-7 years ago it was extremely insignificant in the scale of the planet, today it becomes significant. And in the near future, digital advertising will become the basis for the promotion of any goods and services.


However, even in such a dynamically developing area as digital advertising, there are problems and difficulties.
  • The first is the lack of legal quality advertising repeaters (sites or applications that would distribute content for promotion). Today’s opportunities either do not give companies what they need or they are illegal.
  • The second is the difficulty of quantifying the effectiveness of promotion. It is not always the advertiser will be able to understand whether there was really a sense of the advertising campaign and whether it was worth it.
  • The third is the lack of security. This problem is no longer about advertisers, but ordinary users. They cannot be sure that their data is properly protected. But the uncertainty of users and beats advertisers.
All these problems are solved by the new blockchain platform SaTT Token.

What is SaTT?

SaTT Token is a blockchain platform for advertising campaigns. It will give users the opportunity to promote their products and services on their own, without intermediaries.
To do this, Sat Token implements smart contacts, where you can enter all the parameters of advertising campaigns. For example, you can set the target audience of the promotion, select possible repeaters, choose the Oracle campaign that assesses the effectiveness and protect user data.

SaTT Advantages

The SaTT platform has several advantages that are relevant for users:
  • payment for efficiency – advertisers pay only for those promotion campaigns that really brought results;
  • using smart contracts – they automate the advertising campaign, and its organizer continues to control the situation;
  • data protection – all information is stored in the blockchain, which excludes unauthorized access;
  • many retransmitters of advertising – you can choose any existing channels of promotion on the Internet, including social networks and other popular platforms for promotion.


Start date ICO SaTT Token – may 1, and now CrowdSale is in full swing. However, you can still have time to take part: the crowdfunding campaign will last until July 1.
You can buy One SaTT token for $ 0.42, and 420 million coins were issued. If the organizers manage to sell all the tokens intended for implementation at the ICO, they will receive more than $104 million.
You can buy SaTT cryptocurrency for ETH, BTC and us dollars.
The token distribution scheme is as follows:


Instead of lengthy speeches about the prospects of the project, we will say only one thing: it took less than a day to collect HardCap on SaTT Token Pre-Sale. This proves that users are seriously interested in such a platform as SaTT Token, and are ready to invest in it.
The results shown on the main round of CrowdSale are equally impressive:
This means that the project is guaranteed success – it is believed by real users. Investment in SaTT Token is a profitable investment that will pay off many times in the coming months after the full launch of the platform.
More information about the SaTT project can be found in the official sources: